Sunday, April 17, 2011

Guess Whose Bizak

I realize that I have not posted in sometime on my actual blog page, sorry guy's I was hit by the fb blog bug! But I am proud to announce that I am back, better than ever and the riverz are flowin....for the next few postings, i'll post a few of my FB blogs to ensure everyone is caught up and ready to sail in the overFLOW....THANKS to all of my lovely followers. Before I go, I MUST send  Huge congrats to my twin sis SHENNELL aka KIA who's blog we will promote on this page as well! Okay friends....Have a gr8 1!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello everyone. I was checking my twitter right before I turned in for the night and I saw a number of people tweeting DERRION ALBERT. Being the journalist I am I decided to do some investigating and arrived at a video which showcased his brutal beating which took place this afternoon in Chicago. Derrion was only 16 and beaten by members of a gang outside the school yard. It grieved my very soul because I am a mother and I can only imagine what his mother is feeling: the very woman whom cultivated him for 9 months in her womb. The woman whose blood flowed through his veins, giving him life.

The Lord began to share with me the urgency for all of His people to pray, pray, pray. All of us male or female possess a spiritual womb in which we birth often. It is our womb which possess the means of communication from earth to heaven. Brothers & sisters we have no time left for the elementary now i lay me down to sleep prayers. The devil is destroying our children quicker than we can blink. We must connect in the realm of the spirit and begin to prophetically declare the word of the Lord over this land. What we speak is what we get! The word says when 2 or more are gathered, touching and agreeing He is in the midst. If 1 can put 1,000 devils to flight and 2 10,000 imagine what will happen to the kingdom of darkness if every single person who claims Christ as Lord and Savior unite and pray with the intent to destroy satan and his punk angels. You do the math! Naturally I am heart broken but spiritually I am suited for battle.......will you join me? Let's go to work!


Friday, August 28, 2009

STOP fighting spiritual battles with your fist!

Okay so I realize that I have not been on here in almost 3weeks and for that I apologize. Let me just tell you that those 3weeks were like non I've experienced in all my years. The enemy thought he was going to strip me of my sanity but he's so stupid...wouldn't you agree?

The well is overflowing so much, I almost don't know where to let's just begin and allow the HS to lead us to the end.

Problems, trials, and tribulations are inevitable especially in the life of one who proclaims Christ as Lord and Savior. I've learned that one of its main goals is to strip us of the desire to praise God. Notice I used the term "desire," because for many of us, it comes from the flesh, contingent upon our emotional state. But praise is designed to come from the spirit. Paul says to live is Christ and to die is gain. This was a difficult scripture for me to understand with natural intelligence, so I depended on divine revelation. When we accept Christ as Lord and Savior we die to journeying throughout life with personal agendas. Upon accepting Christ we exchange our belief system for His. Therefore, dying is a 100% gain because a new life in Christ will be far greater than one without. When we endure attacks that we know are directly from the enemy we must take our tool which is praise before stepping onto the battle field. Praising God especially when things are in disarray will confuse and defeat your enemies. Thanking God for what He's done in the past, is currently doing and what your faith confirms He will in the future shifts you into a new dimension. Not only will you see the answer to transitioning out of your situation, but you'll become more trustworthy to God which then makes you a candidate for advancement. This is why the enemy creates such destruction so that praise is the furthest from your mind. Just yesterday I was in the Walmart parking structure and we all know how frustrating that can be. A woman came from the rear and took a space I was heading into. OMG (oh my gosh) my hand began to shake as I STRONGLY desired to give her that magic finger, all while listening to "I'm Available To You" mind you. LOL I stopped and began thanking God for exercising self control instead and drove off all to be lead to an even closer spot in the 1st aisle of the lot. Look at God! Had I reacted the way the enemy desired me to, I would have given her the finger in front of my sister whom admires my spirituality, which would have then discounted my witness as it relates to assisting her with shortcomings.

We also must realize that the enemy is a pond and only allowed specified access because the Lord desires us to grow in those areas. The Lord knows that I have challenges with my temper therefore, He allows me to be tested. As soon as I respond properly, I am advanced to another level of testing to ensure the spirit behind the action has been exposed and rebuked. Once I pass the advanced level I am then transitioned onto another course. Praise is a weapon of mass destruction because it decapitates the major attach which could be for example, a bounced check, which then throws the entire account off balance resulting in fees, more bounced checks and frustration. If we stop and praise God for balancing our account prior, He can then instruct us to call and speak with a representative in order to cancel the fees and reject any other checks from bouncing. The enemy desires us to react out of our emotions so that the hands of God will be tied. He is a JUST God, but He is also sovereign in that He has the ability to do what he wants, when He wants. The next time you're faced with an obstacle, (most likely at some point today) before reacting take a deep breath and praise God like a mad person. Not only will you scare off any physical adversity's (people), but the spiritual ones as well. LOL We must remember the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of the flesh) if they were, the next part of the verse would not exist...they are mighty in power for the pulling down of strongholds. Stop fighting spiritual battles with your fist, you'll loose every time. Until next time....PRAIZEM HONEY is your greatest weapon yet!


Thursday, August 6, 2009


Happy Thursday fam! Let's tap into the well...

This week I felt a pressing in my spirit to clean things up in my life. There were a few loose ends via relationships that I needed to repair in order to remove any fault from my hands. The first, my mother. She and I NEVER had a relationship for a number of reasons. One, she never connected with me even in the womb, so upon my arrival, the disconnection continued. I invited her to the hospital in April when I gave birth to her only grandchild, and things ended REALLY ugly. However, although I knew in my heart that I didn't hate her, I realized she isn't someone I want to have physical contact with. I thought it was only right to allow her to see my daughter. I stopped by and upon walking through her threshold, I was overwhelmed with a spirit of emptiness, lacking love. The atmosphere was so empty and although Lyric is only 3months, she too sensed something out of the ordinary. She screamed, cried and wrapped her arms around my neck which is completely out of her character. Nonetheless, I knew in my spirit regardless, the love I wasn't shown, I needed to extend Christs' love any way.

I shared that story to expose a spirit that has heavy presence on this earth and that is HATRED! We as a people are privy to hate one another before loving, and it should not be that way. We have all had experiences where a person has wronged us to the point of not even wanting to pass by them even in heaven. John 3:16 says God loved us so much that He sacrificed Jesus for the sins of the world. (paraphrasing) The scriptures also tell us that love covers a multitude of sins. Yes we have been taught that love stimulates from the heart, but I'm more inclined as a Christian to believe love comes from the soul. The heart can be deceitful above all things, but a soul that belongs to Christ has His motives foremost. Although we sin, and commit fleshly acts, the truth still resides within the soul. LOVE is very much a verb! People frivolously say they love another all of the time. But true love is shown more than spoken. Honestly, I have not a desire to have any dealings with my mother or my daughter's father, and if my flesh were my boss, I would erase them from my life completely. However, I belong to a God who sacrificed His only child for me, therefore I must love them regardless. Because I recognize God lacks glory from a "consistent" physical relationship with them I keep a distance, but when I am to share space with them, I can exhibit the love of Christ which isn't offensive. WOW! What a mature lesson! Start this moment and love those in spite of how they treat you. You don't want any of your blessings blocked from foolish pride, because that's what HATRED is, one being too prideful foolishly to forgive and allow love to move you past the circumstance. LOVE, LOVE AGAIN & LOVE SOME MORE!


Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hey, I usually don't post on Sunday's but there's an urgency in the spirit therefore, I must be obedient. I sense that someone is right at the edge of a true breakthrough but you simply can't see it due to all you are enduring. Beloved it ain't over until God says it's over!!! Don't throw in the towel on yourself because God truly hasn't! You need to understand that the race isn't given to the swift, or the battle to the strong, but it's given to the one with the ability to endure and THAT'S YOU!!! Be strong and courageous for the steps of a good man/woman are ordered by God. No good thing shall He withhold from those that walk upright before Him. You are more than a conqueror. I don't care what it looks or feels like you are victorious. The devil wants you to commit dream suicide but he is a liar. He's simply the Prince of the air but we serve the KING and LORD of all! Don't be defeated beloved, you can make it. You were made to succeed. Forget about what they said about you, they are simply validating the miraculous blessings headed your way, or as Apostle Hinton would say: "passing out a business card in the spirit!" You can and will make it! Remember the times of old when God brought you through. That same God is standing with His arms extended saying: "come my child you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. My yoke is easy and my burden is light!" Dust yourself off and declare that EVERYTHING the Lord said about you will come to past. It may seem delayed but it's coming in perfect timing! Be encouraged beloved in knowing that this too shall pass. Don't give up pray, after you pray praise God for victory and after you praise worship Him simply because He is! Every time you're faced with an obstacle remember God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above ALL you could ask or think! Ask, seek, knock and receive the release of the Lord! I speak blessings of healing, deliverance, encouragement and prosperity upon you all.....


Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm fasting hamburgers on Tuesdayz!

Happy Friday Everyone! I decided to began posting once a week because I am transitioning and will not have as much time to post.

With that being said, let's tap right in to see what's in the well...

After failing miserably time after time during fasting & praying, I realized I lacked wisdom on the matter, so I decided to purchase a book entitled The Miracle Result of Fasting by Dave Williams. People seem to believe as long as your not eating, your fulfilling a successful fast, when in actuality all you're fulfilling is a successful diet. Fasting and praying go hand in hand, in that it is impossible to conduct one without the other. Even Jesus himself found it important to fast & pray. He believed that in order to defeat his adversary and complete His assignment on earth, He needed chains broken. The major prophet Isaiah spoke of it this way: "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?" Isaiah prophesied that severe demonic presence in one's life via strong holds and bondage can only be removed by this practice. So why is it that we either negate fasting all together OR we amend it to fit "our" levels of comfort? Let's continue taping into the well...

This past week I was asked to join a friend in fasting in order to loose the hand of the enemy over this person's life. Wait, what did she just say, fasting with someone else? That's exactly what I said because we must remember that our lives are NOT our own. This is why it is important for us to understand the principles associated with fasting & praying so that we can join forces to defeat the enemy for others as well. The bible says in Matthew 18:20 that when two or more are gathering touching and agreeing in the name of the Lord, He is in the midst. (paraphrasing)

There are a number of different fasts in the bible. One, Daniel, is often exercised. It is a 21 day fast allowing consummation of fruits, vegetables, fruit juices (non concentrated) and water. However although popular, this may not be the best fast for everyone. If you know your health will not allow you the absence of meat as with Daniel's fast, substitute for another item such as fish, all while fasting for healing of your sickness. While omitting certain foods as a sacrifice and testament of faith in the work of the Lord, we are to substitute the time we would usually spend watching television, movies, playing games, listening to secular music, etc. in prayer and reading biblical literature. Personally, I pray about a time i.e. 6A-6P where I refrain from eating all foods and consume ONLY water or natural juices. I also read, pray in the spirit and listen to gospel music or messages in the place of my normal activity. It is also very important to attend prayer meetings, bible studies and actively participate in praise and worship. Lord help on the days Real Housewives of ATL comes on. LOL Just kidding! Fasting uncovers a level of wisdom concerning what we embrace via eye and ear gates. Perhaps, we may enjoy watching/listening to many of the "very" entertaining shows but it is not wise because they are contaminating to our spiritual growth therefore, we must filter out our intake. Fasting must become the lifestyle of the believer in Christ. Jesus spoke in Matthew 6:16 exclaiming: "when you fast, do not look somber as hypocrites." (paraphrasing) He didn't say IF but WHEN! We MUST seek the Lord regarding specific time weekly, monthly etc. where we consecrate ourselves to fasting and praying. If you have/are experiencing generational curses, repetitious experiences, demonic interference, illness, unsafe communities, addictions etc., it's time to develop a lifestyle of fasting and praying. In Dave's book, he unveils road blocks that will make your fast in vain. They are: fasting to compete, fasting in arrogance, fasting in showy display and fasting with boasting. If any of those are means for your fast, you'll be waisting your time, because God will not honor them. So, seek the Lord today regarding your consistent fast and the next time someone you care for is under attack, you'll be prepared to react. Have a wonderful & safe weekend....


Saturday, July 25, 2009


Happy Surdy as Baltimore people would say! LOL
I pray you all have a fulfilling weekend.

The most favorable activity on Saturdays for people across America is......give up? SHOPPING!!!! I happen to enjoy this activity myself, especially on Saturdays. There's something incredible about the Saturday rush: longer lines, crowded parking structures. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird. If you live in LA and visit the Beverly Center, you definitely think I'm weird because that place is a circus.

However, the mall is one of the places very similar to the church on Resurrection Sunday in that there's guaranteed to be a large crowd. Why do you think that is? I use to get an overwhelming feeling of sadness each time I visited the mall and could not figure out why. I was getting great bargains, enjoying my company, and still sad. Has anyone ever experienced this? So one day I decided to seek God concerning my feelings because they were growing more cumbersome with each visit. The Lord began to share with me that many people use "shopping" as a means of medication for various issues and diseases such as: addiction, low self esteem, marital/family problems, physical sickness etc. Therefore, as a prophetic intercessor, which He calls all of His children to be, I was sensitive to the spirits that were around me. The Lord strategically placed me in the mall to PRAY against the schemes of the enemy. What??? You mean I wasn't there simply because Betseyville and Carter's Clothier was having a sale? Perhaps in part, but 95% of my attendance was to be an instrument tugging on the heart of God concerning what I sensed in the spirit. People lose themselves as a result of masking issues via shopping because its deception is that by not acknowledging the problem, it will go away. NOT TRUE!!! What happens is that after spending unnecessarily, because that's exactly what it is, the problem has grown because it was suppressed. Now, you're depressed about your initial issue as well as the fact that you've spent without proper reason.

So, before you catch the sales today, say a little prayer asking the Lord to cleanse your heart so that you can pray successfully for someone else. If you are the "shopping medicator," realize this is a trick and once your high is over, those same problems will be staring you down like a wolf to prey. The enemy PREYS on you, decide this moment to PRAY on Him. Enjoy shopping because there are NO underlying ailments which constitute the experience. Also, be especially sensitive to others with "shopping medicating" spirits around you and remember YOUR prayers could be the very ones saving some one's life. Trust me, your shopping experience will be far more fulfilling! He rewards those who diligently seek Him! (Hebrews 11:6) While in the shopping facilities, expect some miraculous discounts or specials simply for your obedience in prayer. He loves us, why wouldn't He release blessings even at the mall. Enjoy your Surdy & Sundy! Blessings.....